
Regular Council Meeting

, Immediately following the Public Hearing
Council Chambers/Video Conference
10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Lake Country, British Columbia V4V 2M1
Council Present:
  • Mayor Blair Ireland
  • Councillor Tricia Brett
  • Councillor Heather Irvine
  • Councillor Michael Lewis
  • Councillor Todd McKenzie, electronically
  • Councillor Bib Patel
  • Councillor Cara Reed
Staff Present:
  • Paul Gipps, Chief Administrative Officer
  • Trevor James, Chief Financial Officer
  • Matthew Salmon, Director of Engineering & Environmental Services
  • Reyna Seabrook, Director of Corporate Services
  • Matt Vader, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture
  • Shaun Lesowski, Parks and Facilities Manager
  • Scott Unser, Public Works Manager
  • Richard Wagner, Manager of Finance
  • Kiel Wilkie, Utility Manager
  • Steven Gubbels, Manager of Development
  • Kelly McIntosh, Executive Coordinator
  • Greg Price, Manager of Building and Bylaw Services
  • James Robertson, Land Agent
  • Travis Tonn, Support Analyst
  • Brian Zurek, Manager of Planning
  • Caitlin Brothen, Communications Officer

We acknowledge that we are conducting our business today on the unceded territory of squilx”/syilx (Okanagan) peoples. As a Council, we recognize the importance of doing our best to build respectful relationships that contribute to stewarding the land and waters in the community with integrity and consideration for future generations.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. following the Public Hearing. 

  • 2024-05-079 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Regular Council Meeting Agenda of May 7, 2024 be adopted.

  • 2024-05-080 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of April 16, 2024 be adopted.


As part of Emergency Preparedness Week, an emergency alert test will be issued to cellphones, television and radio at 10:55 a.m. (Pacific time) on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

Mario Piroddi from BDO Canada presented the 2023 draft Financial Statements. 

Review of the 2023 Financial Statements

  • 2024-05-081 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the District of Lake Country’s 2023 draft Financial Statements be approved.


For third reading and adoption.

  • 2024-05-082 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Official Community Plan Amendment (Delaurier) Bylaw 1222, 2024 be read a third time and be adopted;

    AND THAT Zoning Amendment (Delaurier) Bylaw 1223, 2024 be read a third time and be adopted.


Development Variance Permit to authorize over-height single family dwelling

The Mayor asked if there were any comments from the gallery a first, second and third time. There were none. 

  • 2024-05-083 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Development Variance Permit DVP00403 (Attachment A to the Report to Council dated May 7th, 2024) for property at 10313 Long Road (Roll 02116.089; PID: 030-778-328) to allow for a building height variance of 1.46 metres be approved.


Development Permit Amendment to accommodate over-height retaining wall

  • 2024-05-084 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Development Permit Amendment DP001065 (Attachment A to the Report to Council date May 7, 2024) for properties at 19960 & 19972 McCarthy Road (Rolls 02250.162 & 02250.163; PIDs 031-228-330 & 031-228-348) to allow for a 2.5 m high retaining wall be approved.


    OPPOSED: Councillors Reed and McKenzie

A Variance to Permit a U-Shaped Dock with two boat lifts

In accordance with section 131 of the Community Charter, Council reconsidered resolution No. 2021-04-073 from the April 16, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. 

  • 2024-05-085 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Development Variance Permit DVP00380 (Attachment A to the Report to Council date April 16, 2024) for property at 14370 Carrs Landing Road (Roll 03017.088; PID 017-401-593) to allow for a U-Shaped Dock be approved.


    OPPOSED: Councillor Brett

To authorize the construction of a townhouse development.

  • 2024-05-086 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the applicant for DP00804 at 10385 Long Road, be permitted to address Council.


    Jonathon Campbell, applicant

    Mr. Campbell provided a summary of the proposed development and responded to questions from Council. 

  • 2024-05-087 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Development Permit DP000804 (Attachment B to the Report to Council dated May 7th, 2024) for property at 10385 Long Road (Roll 02116.080; PID: 030-778-239) to allow for a multiple unit development be approved.


Proposed updates to in-stream Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw prior to Public Hearing

  • 2024-05-088 It was moved and carried.

    THAT second reading of OCP Amendment (DP Exemptions) Bylaw 1225, 2024 be rescinded;

    AND THAT OCP Amendment (DP Exemptions) Bylaw 1225, 2024 be read a second time as amended; (new copy attached).

  • Councillor Lewis declared a conflict of interest due to a business interest and left the meeting at 8:24 p.m.

    2024-05-089 It was moved and seconded.

    THAT second reading of OCP Amendment (Subdivision) Bylaw 1226, 2024 be rescinded;
    AND THAT OCP Amendment (Subdivision) Bylaw 1226, 2024 be read a second time as amended (new copy attached).


    Councillor Lewis returned to the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Update Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw 1221, 2020

  • Councillor Lewis declared a conflict of interest due to a business interest and left the meeting at 9:02 p.m.

    2024-05-090 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Subdivision and Development Servicing Amendment Bylaw 1228, 2024, be read a first, second and third time.

    AND THAT Preliminary Layout Review Policy 209, 2024 be adopted.


    Councillor Lewis returned to the meeting at 9:08 p.m.

Building Bylaw amendments, to update current practice and to help expedite the processing of building permits

  • 2024-05-091 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Building Regulation Amendment Bylaw 1230, 2024 be read a first, second and third time.


    OPPOSED: Councillor Reed.

Distribution of proposed tax rates for each property class.

  • 2024-05-092 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Tax Rates Bylaw 1231, 2024 with tax multipliers calculated so that the tax multipliers for Assessment Class 05 & 06 be set at 4.83:1 and 2.41:1 respectively (Attachment C) be read a first, second, and third time


    OPPOSED: Mayor Ireland, and Councillor McKenzie.

An art project aimed to foster community engagement among youth and seniors while revitalizing the artwork at the Skateboard Park and the two TownWalls

  • 2024-05-093 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Community Engagement Grant request in the amount of $3,000 from the Lake Country Art Gallery for the fish:BOWL project be approved.


Councillor McKenzie inquired about the status of a current fire situation in Lake Country. Mayor Ireland responded that the OKGN Market experienced a fire which was now extinguished. 

Councillor Irvine announced that she had a great time at SILGA and learned a lot, especially related to fire. She noted that it would be good to see a second egress completed for Sunburn hill (Clearwater Subdivision) and expressed that an Emergency Plan needs to be a priority for the District .

Councillor Brett commented that SILGA was a very useful event and she also learned a lot about fire. She noted good connections were made and she learned from other communities. She thanked the community for the opportunity to attend the event.

Councillor Patel echoed everyone's sentiments regarding SILGA noting he did not attend last year so it was good to be there this year. He announced that all 3 District of Lake Country resolutions were passed.  And also remarked that Mayor Ireland celebrated his birthday at SILGA.

Councillor Reed thanked Mario Piroddi of BCO Canada and his team for the audit. She announced that the Carr's Landing Community & Recreation Association will meet on May 22 at 7 pm with a presentation by Oceola Fish & Game Club.  She thanked staff for the community bulletin last month and thanked those who participated in the OCP Open House on April 18th that Councillor Lewis and Mayor Ireland attended. She mentioned the pedestrian crossing painting on Woodsdale Road are worn out and inquired if line painting would be taking place soon, if so, could staff priorities the Woodsdale area.

Councillor Lewis agreed that SILGA was great and thanked staff for the additional items on the Council Agenda tonight.

Mayor Ireland agreed with Councillor Lewis's mention of the additional items on the Council Agenda noting a lot of work has been done in response to Council's requests. He recognized the requirements for more work in preparing for the new housing legislation. He continued, announcing he also had a great time at SILGA where there were many good discussions. He thanked Kamloops for hosting the event. The Mayor attended the Okanagan Basin Water Board (OBWB) Stewardship Council today where they discussed 4 year priorities, including drought and working with the agricultural community. He thanked the District's water department and Council noting the District is miles ahead in conversations with farmers. He concluded by thanking staff and Council for all the hard work on tonight's meeting.  

The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:10 pm.

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