
Special Council Meeting

Council Chambers/Video Conference
10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Lake Country, British Columbia V4V 2M1
Council Present:
  • Mayor Blair Ireland
  • Councillor Tricia Brett
  • Councillor Heather Irvine
  • Councillor Michael Lewis
  • Councillor Todd McKenzie
  • Councillor Bib Patel
  • Councillor Cara Reed
Staff Present:
  • Tanya Garost, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO)
  • Greg Buchholz, Director of Utilities
  • Trevor James, Chief Financial Officer
  • Jared Kassel, Director of Planning and Development
  • Darren Lee, Fire Chief
  • Matthew Salmon, Director of Engineering & Environmental Services
  • Reyna Seabrook, Director of Corporate Services
  • Matt Vader, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture
  • Shaun Lesowski, Parks and Facilities Manager
  • Scott Unser, Public Works Manager
  • Richard Wagner, Manager of Finance
  • Kiel Wilkie, Utility Manager
  • Steven Gubbels, Manager of Development
  • Caroline Barnhart, HR & Safety Manager
  • Ruth Sulentich, Economic Development and Public Engagement Specialist
  • Stacia O'Brien, Legislative Technical Clerk

We acknowledge that we are conducting our business today on the unceded territory of squilx”/syilx (Okanagan) peoples. As a Council, we recognize the importance of doing our best to build respectful relationships that contribute to stewarding the land and waters in the community with integrity and consideration for future generations.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 4:32 p.m. 

  • 2023-01-017 It was moved and seconded.

    THAT the Special Council Meeting Agenda of January 31, 2023 be adopted.


Report back on options for applying COVID-19 Grant Funding

  • 2023-01-018 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 include the following increases to address policing costs:
    a. 2023 – 7.08% - move from 70% to 90% and no additional FTE & contractual increases
    b. 2024 – 2.75% - 2 additional FTE (18 to 20) & contractual increases
    c. 2025 – 2.50% - 1 additional FTE (20 to 21) & contractual increases
    d. 2026 – 2.00% - 1 additional FTE (21 to 22) & contractual increases
    e. 2027 – 3.17% - 2 additional FTE (22 to 24) & contractual increases 

  • 2023-01-019 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Capital Budget Request item 2023-17 “Pelmewash Slope Stability Mitigation” be removed from the 2023 budget and deferred to the 2024 budget for consideration.


    Councillors Reed and McKenzie opposed. 

  • 2023-01-020 It was moved and seconded.

    THAT The 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be amended as follows:

      1. The following $721,203 (4.22%) of operating supplementals be funded using additional taxation revenue:
        1. 2 Seasonal Parks Staff
        2. 1.5 Bylaw Officers
        3. Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan Increase
        4. Inflationary Increase to Mobility Improvement Program Funding
        5. Paid On Call Firefighter Training Tuition & Fees Increase
        6. Paid On Call Firefighter Training Wages Increase
        7. Art Gallery Additional Funding
        8. Museum Additional Funding

    AND THAT $137,250 of the remaining COVID-19 Restart Grant Funding be used to fund the following operating supplementals:

        1. Community Engagement Grant
        2. Community Greening Project – Lake Countree
        3. Invasive Plant Species Management
        4. Road Crack Sealing
        5. Halloween Fireworks Increase
        6. Fire Prevention Program Increase
        7. Live! In Lake Country Increase

    AND THAT the $282,750 of remaining COVID-19 Restart Grant Funding be used to fund $141,375 of Transportation projects in place of the Capital Reserve Fund and $141,375 of Protection Services projects in place of the Fire Facilities and Equipment Reserve.

  • 2023-01-021 It was moved and seconded.

    THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 as amended by resolution 2023-01-018, 2023-01-019, and 2023-01-020 be read a first time.


The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 5:52 p.m.