Special Council Meeting

Council Chambers/Video Conference
10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Lake Country, British Columbia V4V 2M1

We acknowledge that we are conducting our business today on the unceded territory of squilx”/syilx (Okanagan) peoples. As a Council, we recognize the importance of doing our best to build respectful relationships that contribute to stewarding the land and waters in the community with integrity and consideration for future generations.

  • Options:

    THAT the Special Council Meeting Agenda of January 31, 2023 be adopted.

Deferred from the January 26, 2023 Special Council Meeting
(additional information to be distributed prior to meeting)

January 26, 2023 Special Council Meeting Agenda Link

Report back on options for applying COVID-19 Grant Funding

  • Options:
    1. THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be amended as follows:
      1. The following $858,453 (5.02%) of operating supplementals be funded using additional taxation revenue:
        1. 2 Seasonal Parks Staff
        2. 1.5 Bylaw Officers
        3. Community Engagement Grant
        4. Community Greening Project – Lake Countree
        5. Invasive Plant Species Management
        6. Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan Increase
        7. Inflationary Increase to Mobility Improvement Program Funding
        8. Road Crack Sealing
        9. Halloween Fireworks Increase
        10. Fire Prevention Program Increase
        11. Paid on Call Firefighter Training Tuition & Fees Increase
        12. Paid on Call Firefighter Training Wages Increase
        13. Art Gallery Additional Funding
        14. Museum Additional Funding
        15. Live! In Lake Country Increase

          AND THAT the $420,000 of remaining COVID-19 Restart Grant Funding be used to fund $210,000 of Transportation projects in place of the Capital Reserve Fund and $210,000 of Protective Services projects in place of the Fire Facilities and Equipment Reserve.


        16. THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be amended as follows:
      2. The following $438,453 (2.56%) of operating supplementals be funded using additional taxation revenue:
        1. 2 Seasonal Parks Staff
        2. 1.5 Bylaw Officers
        3. Paid On Call Firefighter Training Tuition & Fees Increase
        4. Paid On Call Firefighter Training Wages Increase
        5. Art Gallery Additional Funding
        6. Museum Additional Funding
        7. $69,250 of the Inflationary Increase to Mobility Improvement Program Funding

          AND THAT the $420,000 of remaining COVID-19 Restart Grant Funding be used to fund the following operating supplementals:

        8. Community Engagement Grant
        9. Community Greening Project – Lake Countree
        10. Invasive Plant Species Management
        11. Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan Increase
        12. Road Crack Sealing
        13. Halloween Fireworks Increase
        14. Fire Prevention Program Increase
        15. Live! In Lake Country Increase
        16. $68,750 of the Inflationary Increase to Mobility Improvement Program Funding


    2. THAT The 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be amended as follows:
      1. The following $721,203 (4.22%) of operating supplementals be funded using additional taxation revenue:
        1. 2 Seasonal Parks Staff
        2. 1.5 Bylaw Officers
        3. Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan Increase
        4. Inflationary Increase to Mobility Improvement Program Funding
        5. Paid On Call Firefighter Training Tuition & Fees Increase
        6. Paid On Call Firefighter Training Wages Increase
        7. Art Gallery Additional Funding
        8. Museum Additional Funding

          AND THAT $137,250 of the remaining COVID-19 Restart Grant Funding be used to fund the following operating supplementals:

        9. Community Engagement Grant
        10. Community Greening Project – Lake Countree
        11. Invasive Plant Species Management
        12. Road Crack Sealing
        13. Halloween Fireworks Increase
        14. Fire Prevention Program Increase
        15. Live! In Lake Country Increase

          AND THAT the $282,750 of remaining COVID-19 Restart Grant Funding be used to fund $141,375 of Transportation projects in place of the Capital Reserve Fund and $141,375 of Protection Services projects in place of the Fire Facilities and Equipment Reserve.


    Base Increase – Impact of Policing Options

    1. THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 include the following increases to address policing costs:
      1. 2023 – 8.25% (Total Base increase of 14%)
      2. 2024 – 2.75%
      3. 2025 – 2.50%
      4. 2026 – 2.00%
      5. 2027 – 2.00%


    2. THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be amended to include the following increases including a partial offset from the Policing Reserve to address policing costs:
      1. 2023 – 4.20% (Total Base increase of 9.95%)
      2. 2024 – 4.20%
      3. 2025 – 4.20%
      4. 2026 – 4.20%
      5. 2027 – 0.00%


    1st Reading Options

    1. THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be read a first time as amended.
    2. THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw 1197, 2023 be referred back to staff.



posted January 27, 2023
updated with attachments January 30, 2023
Reyna Seabrook, Corporate Officer