
Regular Council Meeting

Council Chambers/Video Conference
10150 Bottom Wood Lake Road
Lake Country, British Columbia V4V 2M1
Council Present:
  • Mayor Blair Ireland
  • Councillor Tricia Brett
  • Councillor Heather Irvine
  • Councillor Michael Lewis
  • Councillor Todd McKenzie
  • Councillor Bib Patel, electronically
  • Councillor Cara Reed
Staff Present:
  • Jeremy Frick, Director of Planning & Development
  • Trevor James, Chief Financial Officer
  • Darren Lee, Fire Chief
  • Reyna Seabrook, Director of Corporate Services
  • Matt Vader, Director of Parks, Recreation & Culture
  • Carie Liefke, Manager of Current Planning
  • Steven Gubbels, Manager of Development
  • James Robertson, Land Agent
  • Scott Unser, Public Works Manager
  • Richard Wagner, Manager of Finance
  • Kiel Wilkie, Utility Manager
  • Makayla Ablitt, Legislative & FOI Coordinator
  • Lauren Sanbrooks, Grant Funding Specialist

We acknowledge that we are conducting our business today on the unceded territory of squilx”/syilx (Okanagan) peoples. As a Council, we recognize the importance of doing our best to build respectful relationships that contribute to stewarding the land and waters in the community with integrity and consideration for future generations.

The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

  • 2025-02-049 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Regular Council Meeting Agenda of February 18, 2025 be adopted.

  • 2025-02-050 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Public Hearing Minutes of February 4, 2025 be adopted.


For adoption.

  • 2025-02-051 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the Regular Council Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2025 be adopted with the following amendment:

    Under item 14, Report from Councillors, comments from Councillor Reed at paragraph 4 is amended by deleting the third sentence to the end of her comments and replacing it with:

    "Councillor Reed reported the directors of the Carr's Landing Community Association met this week to begin preparation of a new recreation needs assessment. She noted that the last recreation needs assessment was completed in 2018 and many of the priorities from 2018 have been delivered. With an update to the Official Community Plan in the works, she encouraged all members of the community to be involved."


Mayor Ireland reported the Lake Country Fire Fighters hockey team won their annual fire fighters tournament at Big White over the weekend, and thanked Big White for hosting.  

Business Licence fees are due March 1. Create a MyLakeCountry account to view your invoice and make payment online. Visit the District website www.lakecountry.bc.ca for more information.

If you participated in the Radon Challenge this winter, please drop off your Radon test kit from March 3 – 7 at municipal hall. Both the start and end survey must be completed online to receive the results of your Radon test kit.

Sunday Funday takes place at GESS every Sunday in February. For just a toonie per session, young families and teens can enjoy Open Gym activities and/or movies. Visit the District’s Facebook page for more information. Be sure to vote on which movie you’d like to see on the last Sunday of the month – choose between Happy Feet, Lego, Lego Batman or the Simpsons movie. Email theatre@lakecountry.bc.ca with your choice!

Application to allow construction of an additional single-family dwelling on a property in the Agricultural Land Reserve.

  • 2025-02-052 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Agricultural Land Reserve ALR00193 application for the property at 13402 Talbot Road, legally described as LOT 2 SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 20 OSOYOOS DIVISION YALE DISTRICT PLAN 2484 EXCEPT PLAN KAP47011; Roll 02915.000 PID: 011-000-198, be supported.


2025 – 2029 Financial Plan

  • 2025-02-053 It was moved and seconded

    THAT the 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan Bylaw 1255, 2025 be read a second and third time;

    AND THAT the Capital Carry forwards 2024 to 2025 ($16,490,713) projects, attached to the report from the Chief Financial Officer dated February 18, 2025, be carried over from 2024 to 2025 to allow expenditure in the 2025 – 2029 Financial Plan.


2025 UBCM-Next Generation 911 Grant for up to $100,000 of Application Based Funding

  • 2025-02-054 It was moved and seconded

    THAT an application to the 2025 Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Next Generation 911 Grant (NG911) for up to $100,000 of Application Based Funding, be supported;

    AND THAT staff be authorized to apply for, receive and manage the grant funding on behalf of the District of Lake Country;

    AND THAT if successful, the 2025 Financial Plan be amended to include the receipt and expenditure of the grant funding.


Two Resolutions for SILGA

  • 2025-02-055 It was moved and seconded

    WHEREAS the US government is imposing tariffs on manufacturers in many local government jurisdictions;

    AND WHEREAS Federal and Provincial officials are considering counter tariffs on US products;

    AND WHEREAS Federal and the Provincial officials want to encourage more made in Canada goods;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province set aside funds collected from US counter tariffs for local governments to access to create economic opportunities for local Canadian manufacturers to invest in their communities.

  • 2025-02-056 It was moved and seconded

    WHEREAS BC faces real threats to a sustainable water supply- droughts, flood and fire to name a few;

    AND WHEREAS increased water supply will be necessary to accommodate the housing growth that the BC Government is mandating, along with maintaining and growing the agricultural sector to feed this new population;

    AND WHEREAS UBCM is the voice of the municipalities;

    THEREFORE be it resolved that UBCM strike a water panel to advocate to the Provincial government on water issues pertaining to their municipal members.


For adoption. 

Read a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time January 21, 2025.

The Mayor asked if there were any comments from the gallery a first, second, and third time.  There were none.

  • 2025-02-057 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Road Closure (RC2023-030) Bylaw 1210, 2024 be adopted.


For adoption.

Read a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd time January 21, 2025.

The Mayor asked if there were any comments from the gallery.

Michael Sullivan | Claridge Drive
Mr. Sullivan expressed his opposition for the proposed road closure, he believes there are options to resolve the applicants concerns which do not close the road.  He asked Council to take alternate options into consideration.

Steve Cunningham | Claridge Drive

Mr. Cunningham expressed his opposition for the proposed road closure.  He believes permitted parking would satisfy the applicants needs and maintain the road as a resource for the community.

Nelson Martin | McLaren Road

Mr. Martin explained his reasoning for the proposed road closure application.  He noted that he has included an easement to ensure his neighbours do not lose any access. 

The Mayor asked if there were any further comments from the gallery a second, and third time.  There were none.

  • 2025-02-058 It was moved and seconded

    THAT Road Closure (RC2023-025) Bylaw 1237, 2024 be adopted.


    OPPOSED: Councillor Reed

Councillor Irvine congratulated the Lake Country Fire Fighters for winning their hockey game on Sunday at Big White.  She is thankful for the snow, but looks forward to warm weather and gardening.

Councillor McKenzie echoed comments to the Lake Country Fire Fighters for their win in their hockey game on Sunday.  He proposed a delegation from Girl Guides.  Councillor McKenzie advised the community to be cautious and stay close to the shore should they chose to walk on frozen lakes.

Councillor Brett hopes to see community members at the Oceola Fish & Game Club Dinner and Dance on February 22.  She thanked the club for providing an opportunity for groups to volunteer and be paid for it. 

Councillor Patel echoed congratulations to the Fire Department for their win on Sunday.  He wishes he could have been there to support. 

Councillor Reed congratulated the Fire Department for their win on Sunday.  She announced that tickets are still available for the Oceola Fish & Game Club Dinner & Dance.  The money goes to support conservation, fish, and wildlife projects across Lake Country and the Okanagan Valley.  Projects last year included a cougar study they sponsored as well as matching funds from the District and the Rotary Club they donated $18,000.00 each towards the fishing and kayak pier.  The freshwater society donated even more, and oversaw construction and installation.  Councillor Reed encouraged the community to vote for Happy Feet to be Sunday Funday movie on February 23 at George Elliot.  

Councillor Lewis echoed comments from around the table.

Mayor Ireland looks forward to the Oceola Fish & Game Club Dinner and Dance on Saturday.  He indicated an award will be given out at the event.  

The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:21 p.m.