Councillor McKenzie is looking forward to UBCM next week and thanked Council for the opportunity to join remotely.
Councillor Irvine thanked the RCMP for their increase in patrolling.
Councillor Brett announced she recently purchased an eBike and has began to view the roads in our community differently, noting they actually are quite unsafe. She thanked ArtWalk and enjoyed conversations around the theme of the event.
Councillor Patel noted how great ArtWalk was over the weekend which was very well attended up until the very end.
Councillor Reed gave kudos to ArtWalk and thanked all of the volunteers. She acknowledged the amount of feedback regarding the Carrs Landing Water Strategy and announced the project is being paused, will be re-evaluated and restarted. She encouraged community members to attend the SAFR Ideas generator on September 18th at Beasley Community Centre. Councillor Reed made a notice of motion (See item 14.1).
Councillor Lewis expressed how much he enjoyed ArtWalk over the weekend. He noted school is back in session and events are happening now. He encouraged the community to attend and support their local school events