Graham Kershaw | Old Mission Rd
Mr. Kershaw addressed Council with concerns about the notification process for surrounding property owners related to this application. He also expressed concerns about the extended hours and increased traffic.
Blake Morris | Old Mission Rd
Mr. Morris addressed Council with concerns regarding the condition of surrounding roads and noted a lack of plan for lighting, and lack of parking for cidery customers. He suggested no parking signs could be installed along the road. He asked for clarification regarding how the cidery plans to control numbers between the outside and inside areas. Further concerns included lighting at the cidery reflecting into homes in the area and the hours the lights need to be on. Mr. Morris asked if a working group could be established to create compromise between the applicant and residents.
Alan Gatzke | Old Mission Rd
Mr. Gatzke acknowledged concerns raised by residents, and expressed his support for the application.
Colin Reid | Irvine Rd
Mr. Reid noted concerns regarding the orientation of the red barn and his residence. He asked the application be reconsidered because of the proposed opening hours.
James Stowell | Irvine Rd
Mr. Stowell echoed the previous speakers concerns, and asked for reconsideration regarding the opening hours.
Blain Weber | Owner/Applicant
Mr. Weber addressed Council and outlined his intentions for the cidery, suggesting the concerns previously noted be resolved through conversation between himself and the residents. He is motivated to work with neighbours of the area to help accommodate their concerns.
Sheron Keenan | Old Mission Rd
Ms. Keenan noted her concerns related to traffic and the quality of the road. She asked for speed bumps and speed limit signs to be installed.
Kyle Green | Irvine Road
Mr. Green expressed his support for the cidery and encouraged community members to speak with the applicant about their concerns adding the applicant is very approachable.
The Mayor asked if there were any further comments from the gallery a first, second, and third time. There were none.